6 oct 2012

Sociologia ruralis, 52 (1), january 2012

Food relations

Brunori, Gianluca ; Adanella Rossi and Francesca Guidi
On the New Social Relations around and beyond Food. Analysing Consumers' Role and Action in Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale (Solidarity Purchasing Groups)

Tennent, Rebeka and Stewart Lockie
Production Relations under GLOBALG.A.P: The Relative Influence of Standards and Retail Market Structure

Innovation in Rural Development

Neumeier, Stefan
Why do Social Innovations in Rural Development Matter and Should They be Considered More Seriously in Rural Development Research? – Proposal for a Stronger Focus on Social Innovations in Rural Development Research

Hermans, Frans ; Kasper Kok ; Pieter J. Beers and Tom Veldkamp
Assessing Sustainability Perspectives in Rural Innovation Projects Using Q-Methodology

Rural Communities

Halfacree, Keith H. and María Jesús Rivera
Moving to the Countryside ... and Staying: Lives beyond Representations

Trabalzi, Ferruccio and Marcello De Rosa
Market and State-supported Sustainability: A Tale of Two Rural Communities in Iowa and Italy

Citizens, Rights and Rural Health Care

Farmer, Jane ; Amy Nimegeer ; John H. Farrington and Gaener Rodger
Rural Citizens' Rights to Accessible Health Services: An Exploration

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