Geertje Lucassen and Marcel Lubbers
Who Fears What? Explaining Far-Right-Wing Preference in Europe by Distinguishing Perceived Cultural and Economic Ethnic Threats
Daniela Donno and Nasos Roussias
Does Cheating Pay? The Effect of Electoral Misconduct on Party Systems
Brian Burgoon
Partisan Embedding of Liberalism: How Trade, Investment, and Immigration Affect Party Support for the Welfare State
Daniel Altschuler and Javier Corrales
The Spillover Effects of Participatory Governance: Evidence From Community-Managed Schools in Honduras and Guatemala
Book Reviews
Xiaobo Lü
Book Review: Governing Educational Desire: Culture, Politics, and Schooling in China
Kazuya Fukuoka
Book Review: Changing Politics in Japan
Kevin J. Cooney
Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Japan’s LDP: Political Party Organizations as Historical Institutions
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